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Chinese envoy renews call for Israel to fulfill obligations under int’l humanitarian law

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) — Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, renewed the call on Monday for Israel to fulfill its obligations under international humanitarian law by putting lives and humanity first.
At the UN Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, Geng said that despite the four resolutions adopted by the Security Council, the International Court of Justice orders on provisional measures, and the huge efforts of the UN and other humanitarian agencies, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has been constantly worsening, and violations of international law, in particular, international humanitarian law, have persisted non-stop.
He noted that just last week, a UN convoy supporting the polio vaccination campaign in Gaza approved by Israel was forcibly detained for nearly eight hours, during which shots were fired. Also last week, six employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) were killed in an airstrike.
“China strongly condemns such appalling attacks on humanitarian agencies and personnel, which are unacceptable,” he said.
The UNRWA is mandated by the UN General Assembly to provide relief for Palestinian refugees and is a pillar of strength for humanitarian operations in Gaza, Geng stressed.
Even at the most perilous times, UNRWA has not abandoned Gaza, and to date, 224 of its staff have perished in the line of duty, said the ambassador.
“We pay highest tribute to all the humanitarian workers who are still hanging in there, and our condolences over the demise of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice,” he said, calling on Israel to investigate in earnest all attacks on humanitarian workers and hold the perpetrators accountable.
Geng emphasized that the continuation of polio vaccination campaign is a telling proof that when the parties show political will, scaling up humanitarian operations in Gaza is perfectly achievable.
“China renews its call to Israel to fulfill its obligations under international humanitarian law by putting lives and humanity first, immediately lift the blockade, open all crossings, scrap restrictions on humanitarian deliveries, cease and desist from attacking UN and other humanitarian agencies, and provide safe and unimpeded access to the operations of those agencies,” the ambassador said. ■
